Objective To study the efficacy of New Reconstituted Bone Xenograft ( NRBX) used alone and combined use of NRBX and vascularized periosteal graft in repairing segmental bony defects. 目的探讨治疗节段性骨缺损新方法一新型重组合异种骨(NRBX)与带血循骨膜联合移植方法的效果。
The results showed that vascularized periosteal flap graft possessed osteogenic capcity in condition of no mechanical stress, but if stress or other osteogenic factor were absence after new bone matured. the regenerated bone might be absorbed gradually. 结果表明带血管骨膜瓣在无应力的情况下也有成骨能力,但骨质成熟后如果缺乏应力或其它成骨诱导因素的刺激,骨质则会逐渐吸收。
Preliminary Observation on Repair of Articular Cartilage Defect with Pedicle Periosteal Graft 带蒂骨膜瓣翻转移植修复关节软骨缺损的初步观察
Tibial Periosteal Graft by Microvascular Anastomosis 吻合胫前血管的胫骨骨膜移植
Methods: From Sep 1996 to Apr 2000, a total of 26 patients were treated with a complex procedure including synovectomy, fenestration, curettage, and vascularized iliac periosteal graft with the lateral circumflex femoral vessels. 方法:自1996年9月~2000年4月采用滑膜切除,开窗减压、死骨刮除及带旋股外侧血管蒂骨膜植入综合方法治疗儿童股骨头无菌性坏死26例。
Experimental Study of Mechanical Stress of Periosteal Flap Graft on Osteogenic Capacity 应力对骨膜瓣移植成骨能力影响的实验研究
Treatment the fracture of autogenous bone graft with bony or periosteal graft pedicled with deep circumflex iliac artery 带旋髂深血管骨瓣或骨膜移植治疗自体游离植骨后骨折
AIM: To explore a histomorphology and clinical application for children with large articular cartilage defect by experimental and clinical study in which large articular cartilage defect of hip is repaired with free autogenous periosteal graft. 目的:通过自体游离骨膜移植修复儿童髋关节软骨大面积缺损的实验研究和临床应用,观察关节软骨缺损修复的组织形态学变化和临床应用疗效。
The influence to bone formation of different sources of periosteal graft 骨膜的取材方法对游离骨膜移植后成骨的影响
Methods 4 cases with coxa Tb received focal cleaning and cartilage defect, 1 case with osteomyelitis of femur received focal cleaning and fenestration and decompressing and muscle flap tamping, 1 case with femur nonunion received tibial periosteal transplantation plus free periosteal graft. 1例股骨骨髓炎行病灶清除,开窗,减压,肌瓣填塞;1例股骨骨不连,采用带阔筋膜张肌蒂胫骨骨膜+游离骨膜移植。